November 24, 2023 What's the worst pickup line from this list?Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears. (8.33%)Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes. (8.33%)Is your name Google? Because you have everything I've been searching for. (8.33%)Are you an angel? Because heaven is missing one. (16.67%)Excuse me, but I think you dropped something: my jaw. (58.33%)Previous Polls November 23, 2023 Since the covid pandemic ended, how do you feel about other people now?They are pretty much the same (63.64%)They are kinder (9.09%)They are meaner and more impatient (27.27%)Previous Polls November 22, 2023 Should “no-pet” clauses in leases be banned?Yes. Allow at least one pet (16.67%)Yes. Subject to extra damage deposit (16.67%)No. It’s the landlord’s choice (58.33%)No. People have allergies (8.33%)Previous Polls November 21, 2023 Which of these dwarves best describes you?Sleepy (15.79%)Grumpy (26.32%)Happy (36.84%)Dopey (0.00%)Bashful (21.05%)Previous Polls November 20, 2023 How would you rate Premier Tim Houston’s performance so far this year?Excellent (25.00%)Good (0.00%)Average (25.00%)Below Average (0.00%)Poor (50.00%)Previous Polls November 17, 2023 When do you put on winter tires?November (70.00%)December (10.00%)Usually after the first snow storm (20.00%)I don’t use winter tires (0.00%)Previous Polls November 16, 2023 On average, how many hours a day do you spend on social media?None (57.14%)1-2 hours (28.57%)3-4 hours (7.14%)5-6 hours (7.14%)More than 6 hours (0.00%)Previous Polls November 15, 2023 Other than prices, what is your least favourite part of grocery shopping?Having to bring my own bags (52.27%)Self-checkouts (11.36%)Still too much plastic wrappings (2.27%)Poor customer service (6.82%)The quality of the produce (22.73%)Nothing. I love grocery shopping (4.55%)Previous Polls November 14, 2023 Which Is the best game show of these?The Price Is Right (23.68%)Jeopardy (15.79%)Wheel Of Fortune (18.42%)Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (0.00%)Supermarket Sweeps (2.63%)Deal Or No Deal (2.63%)Family Feud (36.84%)Previous Polls November 10, 2023 Overall, how do you feel Canada treats its veterans?Very well (0.00%)OK (6.25%)Not good enough (40.63%)Very poorly (53.13%)Previous Polls