November 9, 2023 How will you observe Remembrance Day? Wear a poppy (37.50%)Visit a war memorial or cenotaph (0.00%)Take two minutes (18.75%)All of the above (43.75%)Previous Polls November 8, 2023 Is it worth your tax dollars to have mail delivery?Yes. I want it every weekday (33.33%)Cut it back to once or twice a week (33.33%)No. There’s little or no use for it anymore (33.33%)Previous Polls November 7, 2023 Compared to last year, your holiday shopping budget is:Bigger (0.00%)Smaller (75.00%)About the same (25.00%)Previous Polls November 6, 2023 What do you find scariest?Heights (37.04%)Flying (11.11%)Small spaces (14.81%)Work (0.00%)Needles (0.00%)Crowds (7.41%)Politicians (29.63%)Previous Polls November 3, 2023 How do you feel about the clocks going back an hour this weekend?I like it (3.03%)I don’t like it (75.76%)It’s not a big deal (21.21%)Previous Polls November 2, 2023 How often do you check your smoke alarms?Monthly (0.00%)Every 6 months when the clocks change (30.00%)Yearly (20.00%)Rarely (30.00%)Never (20.00%)Previous Polls November 1, 2023 Have you ever fallen victim to a scam?Yes (42.11%)No (57.89%)Previous Polls October 31, 2023 What is your favourite Halloween movie?A Nightmare on Elm Street (14.29%)Halloween (35.71%)Night of The Living Dead (0.00%)Poltergeist (7.14%)The Exorcist (14.29%)The Rocky Horror Picture Show (0.00%)The Shining (7.14%)The Silence of the Lambs (21.43%)Previous Polls October 30, 2023 How much confidence do you have with your electricity provider?A lot (12.24%)Somewhat (12.24%)A little (18.37%)None at all (57.14%)Previous Polls October 27, 2023 What’s one thing you wish you had more of?Money (61.11%)Fame (0.00%)Patience (8.33%)Free time (8.33%)Good friends (13.89%)Something else (8.33%)Previous Polls