June 6, 2023 Do you suffer from allergies?Yes (12.50%)No (87.50%)Occasionally (0.00%)Previous Polls June 5, 2023 Are you reducing or avoiding food waste more now than you were a year ago?Yes (46.15%)No (0.00%)About the same (30.77%)I never waste food (23.08%)Previous Polls June 2, 2023 Would you trust your spouse/significant other to wake you up instead of your alarm? Absolutely yes (58.33%)Are you kidding me? Not a chance (41.67%)Previous Polls June 1, 2023 The face of our 20-dollar bills will change to King Charles. Who would you like to be featured?I’m fine with King Charles (11.11%)Terry Fox (55.56%)Celine Dion (0.00%)Sir Frederick Banting (0.00%)Tommy Douglas (11.11%)Lester Pearson (0.00%)Wayne Gretzky (0.00%)In the spirit of reconciliation, it should be someone Aboriginal (22.22%)Previous Polls May 31, 2023 Should police be more aggressive in enforcing noise bylaws for motorcycles and cars?Yes (41.67%)No (33.33%)Enforcement is fine the way it is (25.00%)Previous Polls May 30, 2023 Do you plan on doing some gardening this spring?Yes, I garden every year (56.25%)Yes, for the first time (6.25%)No (37.50%)Previous Polls May 29, 2023 You find a wallet with $500 in it.By the address, you can tell the owner is wealthy.What do you do?Return the wallet and the cash (100.00%)Return the wallet but keep the cash (0.00%)Keep the wallet and the cash. (0.00%)Previous Polls May 26, 2023 How would you rate the spring so far?One of the best ever (6.90%)Average (41.38%)One of the worst ever (6.90%)What spring? (44.83%)Previous Polls May 25, 2023 Who gets more kisses in your household- your pet or your partner?My pet (55.56%)My partner (44.44%)I don’t have both but if I did it would likely be: My partner (0.00%)I don’t have both but if I did it would likely be: My pet (0.00%)Previous Polls May 24, 2023 How many covid vaccinations have you got?None (33.33%)1 (0.00%)2 (33.33%)3 (11.11%)4 (11.11%)5 (11.11%)I’ve lost count (0.00%)Previous Polls