May 8, 2023 Ontario and Quebec both have provincial police forces.Should our province consider a provincial police force to replace the RCMP?Yes (20.00%)No (46.67%)I’m not sure (33.33%)Previous Polls May 5, 2023 Does your employer allow you to work from home?Yes (33.33%)Occasionally (0.00%)My job requires me to be at the workplace (55.56%)No (11.11%)Previous Polls May 4, 2023 Today is May the 4th be with you day.From the original 3, what is your favourite Star Wars film?Star Wars (60.00%)The Empire Strikes Back (20.00%)Return of the Jedi (20.00%)Previous Polls May 3, 2023 How interested are you in the coronation of King Charles this weekend?Very interested (5.71%)Somewhat interested (14.29%)Not at all interested (80.00%)Previous Polls May 2, 2023 You are waiting at a red light at 4 in the morning.There isn’t a car in sight.Do you run the light?Yes (40.00%)No (45.71%)Perhaps (14.29%)Previous Polls May 1, 2023 Today is the deadline for filing your taxes. Have you filed?Yes (100.00%)No (0.00%)I will by tonight (0.00%)Previous Polls April 28, 2023 How do you feel about the amount of taxes you pay?I pay way more than my fair share (41.67%)I pay my fair share (58.33%)I pay less than my fair share (0.00%)Previous Polls April 27, 2023 How would you rate the spring so far?One of the best ever (10.00%)Average (40.00%)One of the worst ever (0.00%)What spring? (50.00%)Previous Polls April 26, 2023 Have you made any travel plans for the summer?Yes. Within my province (12.50%)Yes.Out of province (25.00%)No. It’s too early (12.50%)No. I don’t plan on travelling (50.00%)Previous Polls April 25, 2023 How would you describe the litter situation this year?Awful (38.46%)Bad (38.46%)Average (23.08%)OK (0.00%)Good (0.00%)Previous Polls