March 27, 2023 If a federal election was held today, what party would you vote for?Conservative (50.00%)Green (8.33%)Liberal (25.00%)NDP (8.33%)Other (0.00%)I wouldn’t vote (8.33%)Previous Polls March 24, 2023 What was the best TV series from the 1980’s?Cheers (47.37%)Miami Vice (5.26%)Hill Street Blues (10.53%)The A Team (5.26%)Family Ties (10.53%)Moonlighting (0.00%)Night Court (21.05%)Magnum PI (0.00%)Previous Polls March 23, 2023 Be honest.Have you ever gone thru someone else’s medicine cabinet?Yes.Who hasn’t? (25.00%)Occasionally (12.50%)I can’t remember (25.00%)No.No way (37.50%)Previous Polls March 22, 2023 Would you support the government restricting access to social media to people who are at least 16 years old?Yes (28.57%)It should be the parents’ decision (71.43%)The government should not be restricting this (0.00%)Previous Polls March 21, 2023 Spring officially started yesterday.How would you rate the winter we just went through?Bad. Too much snow, cold and storms (0.00%)Average (12.50%)Loved it.Lots of variety (37.50%)Ask me in another 6 weeks when winter is really over (50.00%)Previous Polls March 20, 2023 What movie title best describes your life right now?Clueless (0.00%)The Hangover (12.50%)Elf (0.00%)Dazed and Confused (12.50%)Life is Beautiful (12.50%)It’s a Wonderful Life (25.00%)Alien (25.00%)The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank (12.50%)Previous Polls March 16, 2023 How long has it been since you deep cleaned your fridge?Within the last month (37.50%)Within the last 6 months (25.00%)Within the last 12 months (25.00%)I can’t remember (12.50%)Previous Polls March 15, 2023 Tomorrow is St Patrick’s Day.Do you celebrate the day?Yes. I will go out and wear some green (33.33%)Maybe this year because it’s on a Friday (0.00%)No. It’s just another day (66.67%)Previous Polls March 14, 2023 The first cases of Covid were discovered in the Maritimes 3 years ago this week. How do you feel today compared to 3 years ago?Much better (26.67%)Somewhat better (26.67%)About the same (40.00%)Somewhat worse (0.00%)Much worse (6.67%)Previous Polls March 13, 2023 Do you think you’ll have enough money to retire when you want to?Yes. I’m set to retire as planned (25.00%)No. I won’t be able to retire as soon as I would like (25.00%)At this rate, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to retire (50.00%)Previous Polls