March 12, 2023 Today is the start of the school spring break.What do you think?Yes, it’s the right time to do it. (60.00%)It should have been delayed for another month. (0.00%)I would prefer an extra week in the summer and cancel the spring break (0.00%)No, students already get enough time off.There shouldn’t be one. (40.00%)Previous Polls March 10, 2023 This weekend is the start of Daylight Saving Time. What do you think?I like it.More daylight in the evening (50.00%)I don’t like it.I wish we would drop the clock changes (25.00%)It makes little or difference to me (25.00%)Previous Polls March 9, 2023 If a colleague comes to work “under the influence” would you cover for them?Yes (25.00%)No (25.00%)Depends on the person (50.00%)Previous Polls March 8, 2023 What is your favourite board game? Chess (14.29%)Checkers (14.29%)Backgammon (0.00%)Monopoly (28.57%)Trivial Pursuit (0.00%)Cribbage (42.86%)Other (0.00%)Previous Polls March 7, 2023 Do you eat food that’s past its expiration date if it still looks and smells fine?Yes (33.33%)Occasionally. It depends on the type of food (66.67%)No (0.00%)Previous Polls March 6, 2023 Do you wish you spent less time on social media?Yes (50.00%)No (50.00%)Previous Polls March 3, 2023 Do you think you are a better parent than your parents?Yes (40.00%)No (20.00%)About the same (40.00%)Previous Polls March 2, 2023 What restaurant chain serves the best cup of coffee?A & W (0.00%)Burger King (0.00%)Dairy Queen (0.00%)McDonalds (44.44%)Robins (11.11%)Second Cup (11.11%)Starbucks (11.11%)Tim Hortons (11.11%)Wendys (0.00%)Other (11.11%)Previous Polls March 1, 2023 Do you believe there is life elsewhere in the galaxy?Yes (75.00%)No (25.00%)Previous Polls February 28, 2023 Tomorrow is the deadline for contributing to RRSP’s for the 2022 tax season. Are you contributing?Yes, I already have (28.57%)Yes, I will (0.00%)No (71.43%)Previous Polls